4 Tips To Protect Your Plants From Colorado Springs' Late Snowstorms


Colorado Springs is not always the kindest city when it comes to spring weather conditions for gardens and April flowers. With late snow, freezes, and the occasional spring blizzard, it is essential that homeowners know how to protect their early buds and recently planted flowers. 

Protecting your new seeds is much easier if you have begun with pots or trays, as you can move them indoors to warmer temperatures during a late snowfall. Protecting ground plants, on the other hand, is much more difficult.

Because it’s always best to prepare for another storm in this city (the latest Colorado Springs snowfall was in June 1975), here are few tips for homeowners to successfully protect their buds and seeds during spring:

1. Cover Your Plants

If you can’t move them indoors, homeowners should try using cardboard boxes, cut-up milk jugs, plastic storage bins, or tarps to cover ground plants. This will help to retain the heat and insulate the soil. It will also keep snow and ice from directly contacting your new buds and just-planted veggies.

2. Water 2-3 Days Before a Storm

Colorado Springs weather is unpredictable, but if the meteorologists are confident that a storm is coming, homeowners should water plants 2-3 days ahead of time. While this may seem confusing (why water when the temperatures are about to freeze?), wet soil actually holds more heat than dry soil.

3. Add Mulch

Mulch is another excellent way to insulate the soil for your new plants and early seeds. Pick up a bag at the local garden store before a storm to keep the ground nice and toasty. Mulch is also a great way to add curb appeal to your home!

4. Shake Off Snow

If we get a big storm—one with multiple feet of snow—homeowners will want to keep an eye on plants that have begun to sprout, shaking off any snow that lands on the foliage. Because snow is heavy, this added weight puts too much pressure on new plants and can cause damage to future growth.

If you’re a homeowner and you’ve started your seeds for the year, be proactive when it comes to spring storms. Colorado Springs loves to keep us on our toes—even after a warm, sun-filled weekend!